Clara Barton

Clara Barton

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Antiem Creek, 1862

Such a bloody day. The bloodiest, no doubt. The only good come of this day is Lee was driven from Maryland. These Confederates fascinate me and anger me. I cannot believe the audacity of these people. To think they can come into Maryland and to think they believed they could succeed at gaining a victory. It just astounds me. Thank the Lord for loyal Unionists. I shall do my best and continue to follow, not only the troops to give aid, but the loyal Union, to the greater good.

The Great American History Fact-finder, written by Pam Cornelison, Ted Yanak

My Brave Boys, written by Mike Pride, Mark Pride, Mark Travis, Walter Holden


  1. I agree with you completely Clara Barton. I could not believe it either when hearing the news of Antietam. I am sure that we all lost relatives or loved ones in that battle. This is just more of motivation for all of us to keep to this war and succeed for the North.

  2. I believe that while our chance of success was offset by the Union's superior numbers, the Confederacy posed a significant threat to the state of the Union. Testament to this lies in McClellan's caution in every movement. If the Union did not consider the Confederacy such a threat to Northern soil, then McClellan would have made bolder strokes to our detriment.

  3. I have to completely disagree with you, Ms. Barton. Had Major General Hill's division come at such a crucial time for the North, the Confederacy could have stood a better chance at defeating you.

  4. I agree Ms. Chestnut, Ms. Barton you can not say that we couldn't have defeated the North. We could have had a victory,if there had been better authorities.

  5. My dear Ms. Chesnut and Greenhow, the simple fact that the North did have superior authorities, and better timing, has meant that the Conferderacy has lost. Yes, if you had better timing and better authorities, I'm sure you would have been a significant threat.

    Clara Barton
